Assesment of Motor Vehicle Inspection Service With Drive Thru System and Conventional System (Case Study Of Unit Motor Vehicle Inspection Province Of Dki Jakarta, Bekasi Regency, Bogor Regency, And Depok City)
Currently, the Executing Unit of Motor Vehicle Periodic Testing totals 335 units throughout Indonesia who have performed the task that can not afford more as much as 139 units and has been equipped with tools as many as 196 units. Regarding the Periodic Test service, do not know which one is the most optimal between a conventional drive system. In this study, the mix methods used to make a work to converse conventionally and Drive Thru. The conventional observation is done in Motor Vehicle Inspection Unit Unit of Depok City, while Drive Through Motor Vehicle Testing Unit of DKI Jakarta Province. Results from research and test mark test. It is known that there is a significant difference between the number of vehicles tested on Motor Vehicle Testing with conventional system, from test sign test result got Xn = 4.083 value from α = 0,05 (3,841), with value of higher vehicle number in drive system Through, the larger number of vehicles on the drive drive are compared significantly and are relevant. Based on the results of service analysis, the service on Motor Vehicle Testing encourages the 87.6% system which is in the rankings using the rating scale which is categorized as "excellent". While the service time on the credit system drive of 37 minutes.
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Advances in Transportation and Logistics Research
ISSN: 2622-5778 (online)
Published by: Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti, Jakarta - Indonesia
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