Marketing Strategy For Tour Operator on Social Media (Instagram) In Promoting Tour Packages To Tourist Attraction In Indonesia

Tegar Hidayatullah, Roro Maya Rizkita Sabrina, Dian Artanti, Dinar Dewi Kania, Sri Rahardjo


Social Media has developed by its way as promotion tools many industries need, including tourism. Today many people don’t need to look at magazine, TV Tourism Programs, etc to preview the place they plan to visit. Just sit in front of monitor, open the website and they find it! Many tour operators have been moving through social media in terms of promotion. Its simplicity and cheapness become a reason of social media to become tool to promote their package. Including Instagram, it’s perceived to be one of the effective social media to promote tour package. This journal shows promotion strategies for tour operator on Instagram to promote tour packages by considering Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of Instagram Tour Packages Promotion, and it results to 6 promotion strategies on Instagram.


Social Media, Instagram, Tourism Industry, Promotion, SWOT

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