Comparative Study of Online Taxi and Conventional Taxi Ordering Systems

Muhammad Febry Yovaldi, Tri Hardiman, Abdullah Ade Suryobuwono, Aang Gunawan, Astri Rumondang Banjarnahor


Taxi is one of the urban public transportation that can attract customers with several services provided. There are 2 options for ordering taxi transportation services, conventional and online. This study aims to enable us and the public as taxi customers to find out how the difference between a conventional taxi booking system and online and looks like what the two systems look like. In technical data processing and analysis techniques both of these are carried out simultaneously. After getting the data to make observations and direct interviews to the saturated data which is then processed and the data is analyzed by the descriptive approach of the induction method, which is a contradictory thought drawn in general.


taxis, conventional, ordering, applications, systems

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Advances in Transportation and Logistics Research

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Published by: Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti, Jakarta - Indonesia

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