Factors Influencing The Competitiveness of Malaysia Container Hauliers Company In Cross Broder Movements. Case Study: Bukit Kayu Hitam, Malaysia-Sadao, Thailand

Shahrin Nasir, Muhammad Aziyan Hussim


This paper examines the scenario of cross border container haulage operation at Bukit Kayu Hitam-Sadao border (Malaysia & Thailand). It focus on the impact of liberalization in Asean market towards container haulage industry in Malaysia including the growing pattern of performance benchmarking on freight transport industry. The paper identifies the requirements for Malaysian container haulage to remain competitive in providing cross border services at Bukit Kayu Hitam-Sadao border. This paper also discussed the perceptions of Malaysian cross border haulage company towards ASEAN liberalization. It also identifies the roles of the Government as well as the industry (hauliers) to ensure local hauliers possess competitive advantage over neighboring haulage service providers. The discussions on the factors contribute to the competitiveness of logistics industries including operational efficiency, infrastructure, information efficiency, service responsiveness and service collaboration. This paper also has identified prerequisite factors including infrastructure improvement, process improvement, IT adoption, strengthening institutional framework, human resource, engineering and operationalization of ASEAN transport facilitation agreement.


cross border logistics, AEC, logistics add competitive advantage

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25292/atlr.v2i0.201


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Advances in Transportation and Logistics Research

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Published by: Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti, Jakarta - Indonesia

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