Supply Chain Disruptions That Impact on Factors of Supply Chain Efficiency Performance and Competitiveness
Through the commitment towards regional liberalization transformation in ASEAN Community, Malaysia needs to identify the common strategy and established an enhanced supply chain efficiency activities and procedure to be added value in this competitive trade environment. This is to ensure the capability of Malaysia facilitation in trade can provide an utmost satisfaction to a foreign investor and lead a good direction to economic growth. Therefore, this paper is to highlight the supply chain disruptions factors which can impact the performance of supply chain efficiency competitiveness in Malaysia towards the trade liberalization and review the extend obstacles that contribute to a supply chain risk issues that affect the heart of the supply chain Malaysia in global trade. The research focused of this study is based on manufacturer perspective to identify the performance of supply chain efficiency in Malaysia which can connect the factors that impact on supply chain disruptions. The methodology used is based on a quantitative approach and analyse the data using the statistical software (SPSS) from the constructed questionnaire. The results on frequency show that there were three major factors contribute to the disruptions of supply chain efficiency performance in Malaysia trade. These factors which effect the performance of supply chain efficiency in Malaysia were interlinked with the global trade nature which can increase the exposed to a range of risks. Determine the factors early can provide benefits to the industry by tackling the issues that effect the disruptions of supply chain efficiency performance in Malaysia. The novelty of this study is founded on the results of analysis from the view of the manufacturer towards the supply chain performance and competitiveness.
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