Assessing Heavy Goods Vehicle Driver’s Behavior at Signalized Intersection via Risk Assessment Model

Muhamad Alif Aizad Azahari, Nurul Elma Kordi, Rizati Hamidun


The large measurement and dense mass of heavy good vehicle (HGV) contribute massively of an impact with another vehicle. Every year many people are killed in road accidents in Malaysia. Most of these cases are car driver and motorcyclists, killed in collision involving trucks and other type of HGV and some of these fatalities were at signalized intersection. The aim of this paper is to identify the problem of HGV driver behavior at signalized intersection. Signalized intersections are likely to guarantee safety by providing the right way for traffic flow and movement. However, the current signalized facility and specification may not guarantee road safety according to some factors such as traffic destruction and risky signal phasing. Past study showed there was a relationship between the driver’s attitude and behavior towards road safety. The failure to properly recognize and understand driver’s behavior at signalized intersection design can contribute to operational and safety problem. The method that will be used in this paper to identify the risk is via risk assessment model, simulation software, also via observation and interview for the driver’s behavior. The significant of this paper is to find a gap by analyzing the behavior of HGV driver and risk assessment at signalized intersection. In conclusion, this paper can help researchers and practitioners to understand HGV driver’s behavior at signalized intersections and for the authority to develop better amenities for HGV driver’s safety by adding on the existing safety practices for road transport over various aspects especially in Heavy vehicle operation.


Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV), Signalized Intersection, Driver Behavior, Risk Assessment Model

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