Halal Strategic Positioning of Fourth Party Logistics (H4PL): The Methodology Framework

Nurulfaraiza Ariffin, Harlina Suzana Jaafar


The aim of this study is to examine the methodology framework of halal strategic positioning (4PL) of fourth party provision in Malaysia. Halal logistics is impressed through the Halal logistics facility suppliers to come across the request from Halal manufactures to be able to maintain the Halal dependability for Halal product. The Halal provision involves processes of factory handling  and data flow during the availability chain in unity to the prescribed Shari’ah law and accepted halal standards. Customers square measure currently extra concern regarding the integrity of Halal standing and additionally interested in all activities involving on the availability chain whether the product purchased are completely Halal. The study analyzes the factors of provision methodology framework comparable to Order Management, Transportation Road Haul, ocean freight and Air Freight, Customs Clearance, warehousing exploitation 4PL traceability through SOP and Technology in place.


strategic positioning, methodology framework, halal integrity, halal standard.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25292/atlr.v1i1.36


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Advances in Transportation and Logistics Research

ISSN: 2622-5778 (online)
Published by: Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti, Jakarta - Indonesia

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