Evaluating Transparency in Halal Trade Facilitation

Fefiana Azureen Hamdan, Shahrin Nasir, Harlina Suzana Jaafar


Trade facilitation has been known as a significant approach to ease and improve business transaction for movement of goods between stakeholders at international trade especially for cross-border trade. Transparency is labeled as one of the critical pillars in trade facilitation that demonstrates specific, clear, and accessible information to all stakeholders involved in the border activities. While trade facilitation promotes enabling environment for trade to take place, halal products are noted as one of the many goods that are being transshipped through cross-border. All things considered, the idea of Halal isn't simply restricted to safety and quality of the products, however it likewise involves the procedure control, packaging, storage, and delivery of the products. Arguments in maintaining the halal integrity of products along the chain activities are increasing throughout the year, demanding its activities to be more transparent to reduce the risk of contamination and to keep the intents of Halal. Along these lines, this paper means to survey transparency with regards to Halal trade facilitation. Extensive literature reviews on trade facilitation and a Halal concept were conducted and adopted in this paper. The concept addressed in this paper may provide a perceptive fundamental for future studies and to understand the concept of transparency in the practice of Halal trade facilitation.


: transparency; trade facilitation; halal; halal trade facilitation; and halal integrity.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25292/atlr.v1i1.49


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