Effort Enhancement Quality Service Ship Agency In frame Increase Customer Satisfaction at the Agency Company PT. Tama Anugerah Mandiri 2022

Adhitya Surya Nugraha, Reza Marcelino, M Thamrin, Sugiyanto Sugiyanto


This study aims to analyze the service and determine the satisfaction of ship agency service users at PT. Tama Anugerah Mandiri working area of the port and authority office port Marunda class IV, using quantitative descriptive analysis techniques and reliable questionnaires. The results of the research data are in the X1 about Increasing Satisfaction owned by PT. Tama Anugerah Mandiri, as many as 31% answered agree and hesitate, in X2 about Ship Agency Services 36% answered agree, while the Y variable about Improving Service Quality ship agency service users get a result of 50% answering doubtful. So it can be concluded that the quality of ship agency services has an effect on efforts to increase ship agency service satisfaction at PT. Tama Anugerah Mandiri. So that the quality of ship agency services, efforts are still needed to improve the quality of ship agency services by means of companies that need to provide special training to employees of  PT. Tama Anugerah Mandiri, especially in terms of building good communication and relationships with customers to improve service accuracy. includes document management in order to reduce the error rate in the service process and also needs to be supported by marketing improvements and building good communication relationships with shippers


Service User Satisfaction; Ship Agency; Improving Service Quality

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25292/atlr.v5i0.508


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Advances in Transportation and Logistics Research

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Published by: Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti, Jakarta - Indonesia

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