This research was conducted at the Jakarta LRT with a 10-minute flat headway every day, including peak hours. LRT Jakarta is one of the urban passenger transportation services in DKI Jakarta that has a special nature, namely that there are always peak hours in the morning and evening. With a traffic length of only 5,8 km, the waiting time for passengers is still long during peak hours in the morning and evening. This study aims to determine and analyze the existing operating pattern of the Jakarta LRT and then make an operating schedule after optimizing the headway during peak hours. The research method used is the descriptive quantitative research method because it presents how the existing operating pattern of the Jakarta LRT and how the making of the operating schedule after optimiziation headways by analyzing the data systematically. With increasing the speed of the Jakarta LRT train by 85% and calculating the minimum headway on the farthest block (St. Pegangsaan Dua – North Boulevard), which produces a speed of 51,61 km/hour with a travelling time of 8.67 minutes and the circulation time of the facility becomes 3 minutes from 7 minutes. The proposed headway during the morning and evening peak hours is for 6 minutes with 4 trainsets operating, for a total of 60 trips for 180 minutes during the morning and evening peak hours of the Jakarta LRT. The number of trips in the existing operating pattern is 204 trips to 258 trips after the headway is optimized.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25292/atlr.v5i0.562
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Advances in Transportation and Logistics Research
ISSN: 2622-5778 (online)
Published by: Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti, Jakarta - Indonesia
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