Tommy Saelendra, Pintanugra Persadanta, Luky Surachman


Based on the airport master plan listed in KP 408 in 2017, the author calculated predictions in the next 20 years related to volume characteristics and peak times, namely at peak passenger hours and aircraft movements. Then plan critical aircraft for forecasting needs and planning for parallel taxiway needs. This study describes how to design an ideal construction structure for flexible pavement planning using the results of pavement thickness using FAARFIELD software and the results of PCN and ACN values using COMFAA software. The results of the several methods used can be used as a reference of flexible pavement planning for the need making parallel taxiways in the calculated planning year. Based on the analysis carried out on the parallel taxiway flexible pavement design at Adi Soemarmo Airport, Solo, it was found that the results of aircraft movements during peak hours in 20 years, the plan resulted in 16 movements in 2040 on the basis of calculations using existing aircraft, aircraft type B737-800 and the results of the strength plan. Pavement using aircraft type A330-300 which produces a PCN value of 85 and an ACN value of 74. Based on this analysis, it is concluded that Adi Soemarmo International Airport, Solo, is on the requirements for making parallel taxiways because it is already at the standard 16-20 movement when peak hours and qualified PCN-ACN values because PCN > ACN values.


Aircraft Movements; COMFAA; FAARFIELD; Pavement Thickness

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Advances in Transportation and Logistics Research

ISSN: 2622-5778 (online)
Published by: Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti, Jakarta - Indonesia

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