Loyal Customers Comes From Royal Airline
In this modern era of industrial growth, airlines increase their productivity from income and number of passengers every year. Moreover, the emergence of Low Cost Airlines (LCA) makes passengers easier to purchase and use the services of the airline because the price is more affordable. One of the efforts to attract and retain customers is that some airlines make a loyalty program to the customers to retain the relationship between airlines and customers. In this study, we want to discuss how the role of loyalty programs increases number of passengers and revenue, and also how some elements can be implemented effectively to create a loyal customer. We use a descriptive model which is derived from science-direct, next we determine the important points we input into the article to support our discussion. In the identification, it is found that loyalty programs play a big role in boosting the number of passengers. While the environment, human resources, security, and facilities management are the determinants of service level to make passenger satisfied. To solve the existing problem, we create an opinion policy to be developed for improving and enhancing competitiveness with other companies.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25292/atlr.v1i1.74
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