Social Media Effectivity on Community Bassed Tourism Marketing: Case Study in Kota Tua Jakarta

Aldean Muharza, Aldhyan Aldhyan, Basri Fahriza, Reni Dian Octaviani, Dian Anom Baskoro


Business method has developed and changed through decades. At the same time the information technology evolution starts and affects people’s life, and also shapes the business methods as we seen today. One of IT evolution results in business is internet-based marketing trend and today it has divided into some kinds of internet-based marketing method. We are interested in finding out more about tourism’s social media marketing, especially in Community Based Tourism, where a community tries to attract tourist to visit their local tourism sites with some attraction and gain profit from those tourists visit. From this paper we can conclude  that social media has effective impact on maximizing visitors in Community Based Tourism due to the fact that most of the local community don’t have a complex structure like a company or organization that can facilitate their marketing methods therefore they can introduce their product (attraction) to potential tourists, therefore the easiest way for them to introduce their attraction is by using the social media because of its wide range of coverage and its low cost.


Tourism, Community based tourism, Community, Internet Marketing, Social Media

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