Hazardous Waste Handling At Hospital

Okin Purba, Devi Marlita, Agus Setiawan, Wynd Rizaldy


The paper objective is to identify and analyze the matter of handling waste and chemical at the Hospital (especially in Indonesia). This Paper review and analyze the Undang-undang No.32/2009 dan Regulasi terkait Limbah B3, and KepMenkes RI No. 1204/Menkes/SK/X/2004 about Hospital Health Environment Requirements and the previous Literature. This paper method is descriptive-explorative using a quantitative qualitative data source from Airport Operator and Ministry concerned, public policy analysis and Forum Group Discussion (FGD).  The results of this paper to encourage party to find the correct steps in managing waste and chemical at the Hospital in Indonesia and formulate it become one fix and applicable technical instruction for better handling of waste and chemical starting from Eka Hospital BSD as a pilot project of waste handling implementation in the near future. Benefit of the stake holder in airport to have the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) as a assisting tool for implementing the integrated waste management while waiting the technical instruction from the hospital regulator


hospital; waste chemical management; SOP

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25292/atlr.v2i0.218


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