A Review on Road Distress Detection Methods
This paper reviews techniques on identification of road distress. The main key of this paper is to identify road distress and types of road distress. A literature reviews on the types of distress, detection techniques and methods used to identify road distress are presented. Hence, the advantages and disadvantages of current techniques such as laser scan, mobile mapping, stereo camera and uses of UAV used for road distress identification were to be out and gap in their techniques was identified. For many years, broad research has been conducted on road distress detection in order to maintain road surface to a high standard. Quick and accurate detection is required to maintain the road maintenance. A method using 2D images with supported 3D information is one of the best ways to get accurate results on identifying road distress. To keep up with the current technology, UAV with mounted camera is recommended to be used in order to provide quick and effective data capturing.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25292/atlr.v1i1.28
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Published by: Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti, Jakarta - Indonesia
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