Arnetha Cynthia Dewi, Muhammad Fachmi Fachmi, Tenaka Budi Budiman, Imam Ozali Oza Ozali


This study aims to describe receiving to putaway activities at PT XYZ's warehouse, which is one of the customers of PT Agility International Pondok Ungu, and to describe the inhibiting factors for the inbound process. The research was conducted using qualitative methods, by conducting interviews and field observations. Determination of resource persons is done by purposive sampling technique. The research includes receiving to putaway activities. Receiving involves unloading goods from incoming transportation vehicles, checking customer orders, and recording incoming goods into a computer system. Putaway is the placement of goods in the warehouse by the availability of space in the warehouse. The result of this research is that receiving activities have a pretty good process, but the need for improving tools for more practical information exchange. In putaway activities, it is necessary to add a forklift so that the putaway process is not hampered.


Warehouse, Inbound, Receiving, Putaway

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Advances in Transportation and Logistics Research

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Published by: Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti, Jakarta - Indonesia

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