Adiva Fauziyyah Sofyan, Muhammad Iqbal Firdaus, Lis Lesmini


Value co-creation behaviour means consumers do extra activities which do not benefit themselves during or after consumption of market offering. Instead, the activities benefit other consumers through activities such as customer reviews, words of mouth and so on. This study was conducted to determine the effect of customer fulfilment effect, perceived risk, volue co-creation behavior by analyzing the most dominant influencing variables. Drawn from e-comerce setting, order fulfilment has set new standards of consumers’ shopping behaviour while inherent risks maintain consumers’ level of awareness when purchasing online. The sample in this study was 116 Shopee users and data was collected using online survey. Path analysis was conducted to test the hypothesis. The results show that customer fulfillment and perceived risk influence customers’ value co-creation behaviour. The study also identifies the role of perceived risk as a mediator for order fulfilment and value co-creation behaviour relationship.


Order Fulfilment, Perceived Risk, Value Co-Creation Behavior

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