Yard Occupancy Ratio Insights: Investigating Dwelling Time and Throughput at Jakarta International Container Terminal

Asep Suparman, Alfais Amin Darmawan, Dhita Robasa Marline, Thalia Azzahra


Yard Occupancy Ratio (YOR) measures capacity usage in the container stacking area. The higher the YOR, the more containers will enter the port terminal. However, sometimes, an increase in YOR can be a problem for the container terminal itself, and this is the primary phenomenon in this research. The research aims to determine and analyze the  relationship between Dwelling Time, Throughput, and Yard Occupancy Ratio at Jakarta International Container Terminal. The research design used is an associative-quantitative method. Data was collected by surveying by distributing questionnaires to 132 respondents of JICT employees and customers, each totaling 68 people, using convenience sampling. Multiple Regression Analysis is used to test the results of hypothesis data testing, that is it is Y= 9.102 + 0.354 X1 + 0.417 X2. This research found a positive and significant relationship between the two independent variables, Dwelling Time and Throughput, with the dependent variable, Yard Occupancy Ratio.


dwelling time; throughput; yard occupancy ratio; container terminal; loading unloading service

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25292/atlr.v6i0.613


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