Analysis of Factors Influence Customers’ Purchasing Decisions Making on TikTok Shop

Amalia Yasmin, Raditya Prasetyo Aji, Ovalia Ovalia, Ika Utami Yulihapsari


The existence of e-commerce in digital era eases the customers to do transaction and online shopping. There are many e-commerce in Indonesia, one of them is Tiktok Shop. However, the existence of TikTok Shop has just been closed recently due to the regulation. Nonetheless, we are curious to look into the variables that affect TikTok Shop customers' decisions to buy. In this work, a quantitative approach is used. to learn about the factors that customers at Tiktok shop perceive as influencing their decision-making, we conducted surveys using questionnaire with sample of 100 respondents. The data collected was tested, namely validity test, reliability test, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 26. The results of this study indicate that price is the most dominant variable which has significant influence to customers purchase decision making compared to other variables. Additionally, the variables of price, promotion, and service quality simultaneously have a significant effect on purchasing decisions.


Price; Promotion; Service Quality; Purchase Decision Making; Tiktok Shop

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Advances in Transportation and Logistics Research

ISSN: 2622-5778 (online)
Published by: Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti, Jakarta - Indonesia

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