Analysis Of Waste In The Package Management Process Using Value Stream Mapping Method At Pt Pos Indonesia Branch Office Unit (Central Post Processing Unit 20900) Tanjung Morawa

Sesaria Mardhiani Rachma Puspita, Yana Tatiana, Nikita Gabriella Simangunsong, Danie Hayam Mada Chamsudi, Gena Bijaksana, Anissa Veronica Sungsangan Simatupang


There are several challenges in the package processing activities at Central Post Processing unit 20900 Tanjung Morawa, which have been identified by the Post Office employees who often work overtime and delayed items that remain at the Post Office. Therefore, this research is conducted with the aim of identifying the types of waste in the package management process within Central Post Processing unit 20900 Tanjung Morawa and determining steps to optimize it. Waste analysis is carried out using the Value Stream Mapping method, which is one of the techniques in the Lean concept. From the data analysis conducted at Central Post Processing unit 20900, it is evident that the goods management activities take approximately 7 hours in a day, while the company's operational time is 6 hours. Through this research, several types of waste related to the package management process in Central Post Processing unit 20900 can be identified. These wastes are found in repetitive manifest checking, barcode scanning and input into the system, and sorting processes. To address these wastes, streamlining is implemented, which involves eliminating some non-value-added activities in a process, automating the PT Pos Indonesia system, and eliminating repetitive tasks. As a result, the goods management process, which used to take approximately 7 hours a day, has been reduced to 5 hours a day.


Expedition; Lean; Package Processing; Value Stream Mapping; Waste Analysis

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Advances in Transportation and Logistics Research

ISSN: 2622-5778 (online)
Published by: Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti, Jakarta - Indonesia

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