Delivery Satisfaction Toward Online Shopping Intention Among Generation Z in Indonesia

Yosi Pahala, Astri Rumondang Banjarnahor, Rizki Ramadhan Adipratomo, Frida Gama Fitri


Shipping satisfaction and its relationship with online shopping intent is how satisfied a customer is with the delivery of a product, which impacts future online shopping intent. Factors affecting delivery satisfaction can have an impact on lower delivery satisfaction. This study aims to find out how satisfied customers are when shopping and delivering goods over the Internet. This research will use quantitative methods by distributing online questionnaires through Google Forms with a sample of > 175 respondents. SMART PLS 3.0 data processing was used to analyze this study using the Structural-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) Equation Model. This finding shows significant results that there is a relationship between Logistics Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction. This has implications in that it is proven to have a positive impact on Logistics Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction, which is influenced by Last Mile Delivery and Online Experience.


customer satisfaction; last mile delivery; logistics service quality; online experience; social commerce

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Advances in Transportation and Logistics Research

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